Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bizzare locations and unsolved mysteries

a very creepy one here, more after the jump:

10. Why are dogs committing suicide by jumping off the Overtoun Bridge?
The Overtoun Bridge in Scotland has gained public attention because of the unusually large number of dogs that have allegedly leaped to their deaths off the bridge. It is not known exactly when or why dogs began to leap from the bridge, but news stories and studies have indicated that these deaths might have begun during the 1950s or 1960s, at the rate of about one dog a month.

The long leap from the bridge onto the waterfalls of the Overtoun Estate almost always results in immediate death. Inexplicably, some dogs have actually survived, recuperated, and then returned to the site to jump again. These dogs are known to the locals of Dumbarton as "second timers." The dogs have mostly jumped from one side of the bridge, during clear weather, and have mostly been breeds with long noses. No explanation has yet been found.

see the rest of this story and others here

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